Like a Tree

Like a Tree

Autumn is growing on me; it brings out the tree in me. As a kid, I always drew evergreens: brown on the bottom with a bushy green top. The trunk is this westernized wrap skirt I purchased over the summer from a thrift in Florida. I dished out no more than $10 for this...
Swap Swap

Swap Swap

When I decluttered my closet a few months ago, I promised myself I would not add another “non-staple” item. So why am I going to clothing swaps you ask. Well, you never know what you’ll find. I donated a large bag of clothing, and came back with a...
New York | Part 3

New York | Part 3

Same old same old: great food + random fun + yummy sweets + (repeat). Adrienne introduced us to Spice Thai Restaurant. At just about every restaurant we went to I was on a fish kick and was never disappointed. Afterwards the 100+ degree weather and lack of ozone...

New York | Part 1

Random trips to New York are needed and necessary. This time around, my meals were always on point and the number of awkward moments with strangers at a bare minimum. Funny thing is, I can never seem to get acclimated there. Especially since there is a sizable...
Tutorial | Flipped Cream Blouse

Tutorial | Flipped Cream Blouse

Let me start by saying this takes some time IF you are a beginner like me. Before you start looking at the pictures, although I’m sure you have already done so, it is best to visualize the process in your own words. I say this because there may be a better or...