DIY | Top with Peplum

DIY | Top with Peplum

Shame on me for skipping out on the DIY fun. In my defense, I’ve been stacking up ideas but they’ve simply been tucked away, warm and comfy in the right hemisphere of my brain. Naturally, I wanted to start back up with the idea that has been most nagging....

The Sisters: Poly & Ester {DIY}

Haha! These crazy shorts. I know. I thought the same thing while wearing them. And yes I know the patterns don’t quite line up in the front, but I’m getting there. The two sisters Poly and Ester helped me with this one. I cut them to size, sewed them, and...
Flipped | Velvet Dress to Holiday DIY Guide (I)

Flipped | Velvet Dress to Holiday DIY Guide (I)

It was a bit difficult titling this post. Especially since the purpose is to basically show you all how I saved face. Yes, it’s true, I set out to make something spectacular and, well, embarrassed myself. I blame it on the underlying pressure during this time of...