by Whitney | Aug 9, 2011 | Good Times, Outfits |
My sis took a few random photos with her Fuji Instax Polaroid camera. She was sweet to scan them in so I may show them off. Unfortunately her cute little head is chopped off in the first photo. The little blue ensemble I’m wearing I made for the trip. Halfway...
by Whitney | Aug 5, 2011 | Good Times, Outfits, Thoughts |
Same old same old: great food + random fun + yummy sweets + (repeat). Adrienne introduced us to Spice Thai Restaurant. At just about every restaurant we went to I was on a fish kick and was never disappointed. Afterwards the 100+ degree weather and lack of ozone...
by Whitney | Aug 4, 2011 | Good Times, Thoughts |
No alcohol needed. We thrived on pure cool and Brazilian funk. My lovely Adrienne definitely knows how to make a girl forget her woes. She’s as good as it gets. There’s more, so find your way back here, dear. (Did you miss part...
by Whitney | Aug 3, 2011 | Good Times, Outfits, Thoughts |
Random trips to New York are needed and necessary. This time around, my meals were always on point and the number of awkward moments with strangers at a bare minimum. Funny thing is, I can never seem to get acclimated there. Especially since there is a sizable...
by Whitney | Jul 15, 2011 | Inspiration |
A few days ago I posted images of a blouse I flipped. If you missed it, click on over here. Image: Dan River - Dress by Carolyn Schnurer 1950 myvintagevogue.tumblr Creating an obnoxiously large & contrasting bow would add great detail to the blouse. Make it...