I’m sure going to wear these OUT.

90% of the time, I’m wearing my go to flats  for everyday outfits. For me, flats are simple without being overbearing, comfortable without looking lazy.

Don’t get me wrong I own a few pairs of heels, but I rarely wear them and I always find myself wishing I had somewhere to go in them. I admire those high steppin’ ladies in the mall with 3.5 inches of  ‘stackage’ and the strut to match.  If only the higher the heel, the better the sashay were true.

Perhaps I’ll challenge myself to wear more heels, other than boots, this fall/winter. My wardrobe sure deserves a bit of a lift. Although my feet may feel differently.

How do you wear your heels, not at all or every chance you get?

Shoes: jcrew >> at a steal of a deal (a future post on why…hehe)