




If you looked at the first image and thought I’d formed a 60’s soul group, rest assured, I haven’t. Although my mom and sister could pass for back up Doo-wopers. BUT, if you guessed “oh she’s delivering her final pitch to a packed house” then ding ding you’re right. The Startup Stampede gave me a free ticket to run my mouth. I don’t think I’ve ever talked this much in a 2 month period. Oh but I’m sure my husband would disagree. Talking about myself and my business and why it’s so great and WHY EVERYONE SHOULD THINK SO is no small notion. But it is what it takes to be confident in what you’re doing. The more I talked, the easier it was to fish out the silly nonsense and get to the black beans and potatoes (we’re semi-veggies over here). Anyway, constant handshaking led to roof-top chillin with my loving husband, my sister Karla (who surprised me from NY) and my oh so cool parents.

Big thank you and sloppy kiss to the Startup Stampede.
Check out the other startups that won space in the incubator:
Offline Media
Seam Happy
The Makery (more about them later)
Social Media Phobias
The Art of Cool Project

(Iphones in the house. Credits: Charles Robinson, Karla Mickens)