FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

FreshlyGiven NYFW Feb13

Emergency Alert! Blizzard Warning. Huh? What? Either my iPhone was hacked and blurting out sounds -bypassing my vibrate setting- or I was in for some crazy weather. Crazy for a Southern girl; keeping it in perspective for you.

Naively, I reasoned I was the only lucky one to receive the alert. Life as usual for everyone around me – I hightailed it over to the Rag and Bone presentation, existed the subway and enter the twilight zone. Laughing at myself, I suffered through snow inflicted wounds. Is it supposed to hurt like this? Or is this some NY engineered hail, complete with daggers and all. (Mind you, while I’m contemplating whether to seek refuge, my life ebbing away, New Yorkers were STILL in their groove.) My hope waned. No kidding. I mean, I couldn’t see. And to look where I was going put me in danger of losing an eye.
Rag and Bone was my first and only show for the day so I cheered up at their Sigmund’s Pretzel bar. What the heck, I might as well reward myself. Aymeline proved to be my favorite model of the week, and entertained the blizzard out of my mind. Blizzard, what?

But of course, reality has a way of bringing itself back.

Top 2 images: Richard Chai presentation
Remaining backstage shots: Rag & Bone presentation