DIY | Greek Style Top and Cute Skirt

Alright Alright good people. This is by far one of my favorite DIYs, and you can achieve it without a sewing machine. You will need: 1. Maxi Skirt OR Large, ill-fitting skirt 2. Safety pins (not stick pins) 3. Scissors 3. Needle and Thread OR Sewing Machine OR Stitch...
DIY | Top with Peplum

DIY | Top with Peplum

Shame on me for skipping out on the DIY fun. In my defense, I’ve been stacking up ideas but they’ve simply been tucked away, warm and comfy in the right hemisphere of my brain. Naturally, I wanted to start back up with the idea that has been most nagging....
Flipped | Sweater to Cowl {DIY + Tutorial}

Flipped | Sweater to Cowl {DIY + Tutorial}

Black on black, let’s do blue on blue. It’s a nice change from the usual. Thanksgiving was like Christmas for me. My Dad opened his cedar chest (mmmm the smell of cedar) and gave me sweaters he no longer wore. Truth be told, these were for my husband but I...

Flipped | Men’s Jeans to Vest {DIY & Tutorial}

Last weeks jeans to dress post was only the beginning of my new found interest in transforming my husbands jeans into wearable somethings. Wearable for me that is. After another session of scissors and Derek Lam inspiration, I claimed yet another pair as my own. The...
Tutorial | Men’s Jeans to Dress

Tutorial | Men’s Jeans to Dress

Find the after photos below. Alright, let’s begin: You will need: 1. Jeans (I used large men’s jeans. The rule of thumb is to make sure once opened, it will wrap around you. Large skinny jeans (oxymoron?) may also work here, and give you a pencil-ish...