The Sisters: Poly & Ester {DIY}

Haha! These crazy shorts. I know. I thought the same thing while wearing them. And yes I know the patterns don’t quite line up in the front, but I’m getting there. The two sisters Poly and Ester helped me with this one. I cut them to size, sewed them, and...

Tutorial | Grandma’s Skirt to Blouse

Let me begin with my inspiration. While skimming vintage ads I ran across this: Find more of the “wrapped clothing” series in the LIFE Archives. You Will Need: 1. Fabric (Mine measured 56×34 inches. However, you can judge this based on your size and...


In order to do more around here, I need more stuff. I am forever grateful to have a grandmother who throws absolutely nothing away. Oh the stories I could tell. Either way, when I’m strapped for cash, I have a running tab at her “store”. Here are a...
Business Card-esque

Business Card-esque

In limbo, I’m without business cards.  Rule of thumb/word to the wise, when without the funds get ultra-creative. Side note: According to,” 69 percent of people who have business cards have gotten a speeding ticket, compared with 53 percent...