by Whitney | May 30, 2012 | Artist, Creative Whims |
This post is self explanatory. Especially if you noticed the large circle up there in the header. Not entirely new if you follow FG on facebook and twitter, but I’m finally ‘branding’ the blog with my new-ish logo. Designer Karla Mickens, who happens...
by Whitney | May 16, 2012 | DiY |
Alright Alright good people. This is by far one of my favorite DIYs, and you can achieve it without a sewing machine. You will need: 1. Maxi Skirt OR Large, ill-fitting skirt 2. Safety pins (not stick pins) 3. Scissors 3. Needle and Thread OR Sewing Machine OR Stitch...
by Whitney | May 1, 2012 | DiY |
If you’re curious about my latest crazy idea, rest assure that I’m sane. I (and my cuzzo) just happen to find curtains appealing to wear these day. Perhaps street gawkers will think I’m trying to pull off the tribal trend with thicker fabric. Nope...
by Whitney | Apr 7, 2012 | DiY |
Shame on me for skipping out on the DIY fun. In my defense, I’ve been stacking up ideas but they’ve simply been tucked away, warm and comfy in the right hemisphere of my brain. Naturally, I wanted to start back up with the idea that has been most nagging....
by Whitney | Mar 26, 2012 | Good Times, Outfits |
Somehow the idea of jumping from high places for the camera shots outweighed our personal safely. Blame it on the warm weather and grassy memory foam. — (DIY Shorts Tutorial) Earrings: Shop Freshly...