Yes I’m Pinnin’

Yes I’m Pinnin’

Do you remember those Dr. Scholl’s “Are you Gellin?” commercials? I’ve taken the time to find one if you’re in the dark. Bring that same terminology over and now I can answer, “Yeah I’m pinnin.” Corny I know. I realize...
DIY | Top with Peplum

DIY | Top with Peplum

Shame on me for skipping out on the DIY fun. In my defense, I’ve been stacking up ideas but they’ve simply been tucked away, warm and comfy in the right hemisphere of my brain. Naturally, I wanted to start back up with the idea that has been most nagging....

My First Stop Motion Animation

These days emerging artist/start-up competitions are eating my time. By the mouth full. Since starting my accessory line at the end of last year, the idea of going full time Freshly Given is mmmm mmmm good. I created the above stop motion animation to show my process...

From High Places

Somehow the idea of jumping from high places for the camera shots outweighed our personal safely. Blame it on the warm weather and grassy memory foam. — (DIY Shorts Tutorial) Earrings: Shop Freshly...
1, 2, 3, You’re Out

1, 2, 3, You’re Out

Every week, I visit four precious little girls. I play “I’m the adult, listen to what I have to say” and hope they absorb all of my ‘grown-up’ talk. The more I sit with them, the more the roles reverse and they end up schooling me. The...
Judah Ross | Spring 2012

Judah Ross | Spring 2012

“Feel it in the air The wind is taking it everywhere, yeah Can you feel it? Can you feel it? Can you feel it?” -A little bit of The Jacksons for you: “Can You Feel It” – The Jacksons, 1980) We’re pushing 70 degree weather around...
The Occasional Ski Shop

The Occasional Ski Shop

You know, color inspiration turns up in the most unlikely places. I really need a holster to keep a camera so I can whip it out when I feel the urge to snap a shot. Just when you think only cool kids hang out in ski shops, you find me wandering around with a camera....