




Before I landed I pulled the 2nd all-nighter this year. And BOTH were pre-boarding an early flight to NY. Oh God, I need a one-time-only 28 hour day.

Much of the crazyiness was due to my frantic and justified (in my head) sewing of ‘just one more’ sample to take with me. Handbag samples that is (see image #1). I’d hate to waste my ‘work trip’ by not bringing along the very things I’m hoping to build upon. My last two days have been a whirlwind. Fire escape dancing and singing to Anita Baker with my sis and Kamilah. An impromptu stoop sale. The George Tisdale Band ROCKING at Cornerstone. A Cosby-esque homemade lasagna dinner with my his/her cuff wearing friends Celena and Stefan.

Stick around for more and more. I’m off into the city, camera and samples in tote.

(Follow my journey on instagram and twitter: @freshlygiven)

(Picture of me chatting it up: taken by Kamilah)