From High Places

Somehow the idea of jumping from high places for the camera shots outweighed our personal safely. Blame it on the warm weather and grassy memory foam. — (DIY Shorts Tutorial) Earrings: Shop Freshly...
1, 2, 3, You’re Out

1, 2, 3, You’re Out

Every week, I visit four precious little girls. I play “I’m the adult, listen to what I have to say” and hope they absorb all of my ‘grown-up’ talk. The more I sit with them, the more the roles reverse and they end up schooling me. The...
Judah Ross | Spring 2012

Judah Ross | Spring 2012

“Feel it in the air The wind is taking it everywhere, yeah Can you feel it? Can you feel it? Can you feel it?” -A little bit of The Jacksons for you: “Can You Feel It” – The Jacksons, 1980) We’re pushing 70 degree weather around...
The Occasional Ski Shop

The Occasional Ski Shop

You know, color inspiration turns up in the most unlikely places. I really need a holster to keep a camera so I can whip it out when I feel the urge to snap a shot. Just when you think only cool kids hang out in ski shops, you find me wandering around with a camera....